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Religious Education

Through Religious Education, we give children opportunities to explore big questions, to explore the kind of world they want to live in and to better understand others' points of view. We seek to show children about what a religious way of looking at and existing in the world might offer to an individual or group.

We provide opportunities for children to learn about a range of religions including Christianity, Judaism, Hinduism and Islam, as well as encouraging them to follow their own lines of enquiry and explore other religions that interest them.

We encourage children to explore their own and others' experiences, to engage in and study religious beliefs and practices and to discern the value of these for themselves and their own lives.

We follow Hampshire's Living Difference Syllabus for our non-Christian RE units and Understanding Christianity for our Christian RE units.

Parents are entitled to withdraw their children from all, or part of, Religious Education if they so wish by informing the head teacher in writing. The head teacher will keep a record of all children who have been withdrawn.