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School Sports

Sport at East Meon CE Primary School


Sport both during the school day and as part of after school clubs is an important part of life at East Meon CE Primary School.


Our children enjoy two PE sessions per week with a balance between indoor sessions focusing on gymnastics and dance and outdoor sessions which focus on developing skills needed for sports such as football, basketball, rounders, hockey, tennis, cricket and athletics.


We are fortunate to have PFC sports leaders come into school each week to lead our outdoor sessions and these take place on our school field and playground.


The majority of our indoor PE sessions take place at the Village Hall, which can accommodate our equipment and is a large enough space for dance and gymnastics.


Children in Year 3 and 4 have swimming lessons that take place over a ten-week period in the autumn term at another local school.


We enjoy an annual Sports Day in which the all the children compete in track races against their peers and then in mixed aged teams the children complete multi-skills and athletic events such as hockey dribbling, javelin throwing, jumping and catching.

Our day culminates in the coveted Sports Day Cup being awarded to the winning team.


School teams compete where possible in local cluster competitions for example football tournaments, athletics and an annual swimming gala.

This year we are working closely with Perrins School to increase competitive opportunities even further for both KS1 and KS2.

Our gifted and talented footballers are currently participating in joint cluster training sessions and have played competitively as a cluster team.


Children are encouraged to be active at playtime and lunchtime and sports equipment is available for them to use. This includes: footballs, skipping ropes, balls and multi-skills equipment.


