Miss Olver and Ms Stephens lead Maths at East Meon School.
Our Maths curriculum has been carefully tailored to meet the needs of our school. We ensure that Maths lessons develop a sense of enjoyment and curiosity for all of our children. Where appropriate and possible, we make links between Maths and our wider curriculum, for example, weighing during food technology, using graphs and charts in Science and measuring during Design and Technology.
We use the White Rose as our main resource for teaching Maths from Years 1-6. We also draw on additional resources such as I See Reasoning to further develop mathematical skills. We make sure that there are numerous opportunities for children to use manipulatives to develop their understanding before moving onto pictorial and more abstract methods.
In Years R, 1 and 2, the children receive a 20 minute daily Mastery of Number session to help them develop a deeper understanding of numbers and quick mental recall of number facts.
Times Tables are a big focus from Year 2 onwards as fluent recall of these supports pupils with efficient calculations. We use Times Tables Rockstars to support children in learning their times tables and this can be accessed at home.
For those children who need additional support, we run extra interventions and we have teachers and learning support assistants who are trained to deliver Success@Arithmetic and First Class at Number sessions.
Our Maths Curriculum progression maps for each class are available below.